The Promox VE user interface has a button called Wipe Disk that is roughly equivalent to this command:
find /dev/ -name nvme0n1* -exec wipefs --all '{}' \; && dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=1M conv=fdatasync count=200
# Wipes all labels and the first 200 MiB of a disk/partition (or the whole if it is smaller).
# If called with a partition, also sets the partition type to 0x83 'Linux filesystem'.
# Expected to be called with a result of verify_blockdev_path().
sub wipe_blockdev {
my ($devpath) = @_;
my $devname = basename($devpath);
my $dev_size = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents("/sys/class/block/$devname/size");
($dev_size) = $dev_size =~ m|(\d+)|; # untaint $dev_size
die "Couldn't get the size of the device $devname\n" if !defined($dev_size);
my $size = ($dev_size * 512 / 1024 / 1024);
my $count = ($size < 200) ? $size : 200;
my $to_wipe = [];
dir_glob_foreach("/sys/class/block/${devname}", "${devname}.+", sub {
my ($part) = @_;
push $to_wipe->@*, "/dev/${part}" if -b "/dev/${part}";
if (scalar($to_wipe->@*) > 0) {
print "found child partitions to wipe: ". join(', ', $to_wipe->@*) ."\n";
push $to_wipe->@*, $devpath; # put actual device last
print "wiping block device ${devpath}\n";
run_command(['wipefs', '--all', $to_wipe->@*], errmsg => "error wiping '${devpath}'");
['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', "of=${devpath}", 'bs=1M', 'conv=fdatasync', "count=${count}"],
errmsg => "error wiping '${devpath}'",
if (is_partition($devpath)) {
eval { change_parttype($devpath, '8300'); };
warn $@ if $@;
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